Welcome! My name is Smithfield and here you can get more information on me and my art. This site includes my portfolio and the services that I offer. As an enthusiastic artist I am always looking to be part of a new and exciting project.
I provide creative, reliable, and timely service with professionalism and care. Please take a look around to see examples of distinctive style and let me know if you are interested in hiring me or purchasing my work.
Thanks for coming, enjoy your visit!
by Smithfield's Mom
HOME PAGE www.paintingpig.com
click on the above choices for more info on Pig.
Beautiful Smithfield Notecards (PLEASE E-MAIL )
Want Commissioned colors/size ? PIGCASSO_DESIGNS@YAHOO.COM
Please e-mail Pigcasso_designs@yahoo.com
Book (coming soon) Smithfield calendar year 2008 e-mail for The newSMITHFIELD 2009 CALENDAR $15.00
See following
Paintings for sale
All Water Color
non-toxic paints
Name: Tropicana savvy
ID # 1
Colors: Orange pink black green yellow
Surface: Canvas
Price: 50.00 USD XX SOLD XX
Name: Unicorn (profile)ID#3a
Color: muted pink, light blue, gray, purple
Surface: Canvas
Price: 150.00 USD SOLD SOLD SOLD
"Duck reflection in water"

Color: yellow, green, magenta
Surface: Canvas
Price: 150.00 USD XX SOLD XX
added upon purchase .rotate picture. Decide on color and place for hoofprint/signature/date
added upon purchase .rotate picture. Decide on color and place for hoofprint/signature/date
added upon purchase .rotate picture. Decide on color and place for hoofprint/signature/date
Name: Tropicana
ID# 6
Color: orange, pink, green
Surface: Canvas
Rotate for different view
ID# 7
Color: Blues, pinks, purples
Surface: Canvas
Price: 50.00 XXXXSOLDXXX
Name: George Washington (man on horse)
ID# 8
Exceptional painting
Color: magenta, purples, blues, moss greens
Surface: Canvas
Price: 150.XX USD X X SOLD X X
added upon purchase .rotate picture. Decide on color and place for hoofprint/signature/date
rotate for different views
Color:blues, pink, purple, green
Surface: Canvas
added upon purchase .rotate picture. Decide on color and place for hoofprint/signature/date
rotate to see different views
ID# 10
Color: pinks, purple, magenta
hoofprint already on
Color:pink, purple, green, gray, blue
added upon purchase .rotate picture. Decide on color and place for hoofprint/signature/date.
rotate for different views
Color:orange, magenta, pink, green
If having trouble with ordering or need more shipping information, e-mail Pigcasso_designs@yahoo.com
ABOUT ME: Website: Paintingpig.com
Since I was very young boar I always loved learning new tricks.I learned quickly and my mom ran out of things to teach me. So, she taught me how pick up a brush with my mouth, walk over to the canvas, and paint. Eventually I began to paint with ease. I never imagined that my love would eventually become my profession, and I am so grateful that it happened that way. I never attended an art college, however, my artistic abilities were expanded into performances, exhibits, TV and personal appearances. Since my youth I have worked at museums, charities, birthday parties, retirement homes, churches, schools, National TV shows including Virginia Current, Live with Regis and Kelly, Pet Star, and 15 seconds of fame on Oprah. I always love a new adventure. Life is full of endless possibilities. I have survived cancer two times. Four years ago I had nasal cancer. NCSU, Large Animal Hospital, removed the tumor and did 19 rounds of radiation. The tumor returned this summer of 07. Once again I got the surgery and another 19 rounds of radiation. This time I have a hole on top of my snout. My mom says I am still as beautiful as ever, especially my baby blue eyes.
I am a cancer survivor and will participate in Relay for Life inCharlotte, N.C. 2008
Jan. 1,2008 Richmond, VA.
The photos below are from the North Carolina State Fair, 2008. I had the best time ever.
Lots of good food, fun things to do, for example, come see me!! I am a hog for the attention.
Over the years I have developed different talents and have worked hard to merge all of my knowledge into comprehensible exhibits.
Tricks I perform include sit down, shake hands, give a kiss, turn around, smile, stick out my tongue, and bow. Also, I demonstrate table manners, follow directions and more. Musical talents include: play the kiddie piano, ring handbells, and play the drums. When I paint, I pick up a brush, walk over to the canvas, paint and drop the brush. I happily do it all over again, until I have a finished Smithfield original.
In terms of what I enjoy most, it would have to be abstract painting, but as my mom says, "I always leave an impression". I find painting to be energizing and fun.
Performing for an audience and demonstrating my talents are my happiest moments and it allows me to produces beautiful art. My tail just wags and wags because I am so happy. I will strike a pose, take a bow, and smile for the camera.
These are some of the places where I have been, and upcoming events of where I am going.
Where I have Been: New York City to film America's Got Talent 08New York City Live with Regis & Kelly 01Hollywood, Ca. Pet Star 02ACAC Athletic club, Chesterfield County 12-08Hanover Academy Spring Fling 2008
Renaissance Faire Raleigh, NC March 2008
Drumstrong to fight cancer Charlotte, NC
May 3 & 4, 2008
Relay for life in Charlotte NC May 30, 2008
State Fair of Virginia 2000,01,02,03,
Pet Expo Richmond, VA. Feb. 05, 06, 07, 08
Richmond Times Dispatch Jan. 1 08
North Carolina State Fair Oct. 2007 and Oct. 2008
TV appearances America's Got Talent Summer 2008 Ellen Show 2-20-08 photo clip Virginia Currents PBS Oct. 2007 Richmond News since 1999 to present North Carolina News beginning summer 07
to the present
Radio Richmond, Va. North Carolina AustraliaNewspaper Richmond, Va since 1999 to present New York Times USA Today 2008 Raleigh NC Observer England News Australia News Libraries: Chesterfield County , Virginia
Retirement homes(many) 2008
magazines Japan in 2 Childrens Magazine summer 2008
Where I AM GOING:Gallery/Studio Date To Be Announced Location: Nature Center Rockwood Park Chesterfield County, Virginia
What have I been doing?
GREAT. Lots of eating during the 2010 Holidays. Happy 2011New Year
wrote a book. Looking for a publisher.
Over the years I have developed different talents and have worked hard to merge all of my knowledge intocomprehensible exhibits.
Tricks I perform include sit down, shake hands, give a kiss, turn around, smile, stick out my tongue, and bow. Also, I demonstrate table manners, follow directions and more. Musical talents include: play the kiddie piano, ring handbells, and play the drums. When I paint, I pick up a brush, walk over to the canvas, paint and drop the brush. I happily do it all over again, until I have a finished Smithfield original.
In terms of what I enjoy most, it would have to be abstract painting, but as my mom says, "I always leave an impression". I find painting to be energizing and fun.
Performing for an audience and demonstrating my talents are my happiest moments and it allows me to produces beautiful art. My tail just wags and wags because I am so happy. I will strike a pose, take a bow, and smile for the camera.
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To donate to NCSU Scholarshipfundin Smithfield's nameContact NCSU #
"Smithfield the Painting Pig"
for Vet Student atNCSU Large Animal Hospital
Pot belliedPig Specialist.
I believe in collaborating with my clients to display the unique images they seek. I offer a variety of different services, depending on my clients’ needs.
This is a partial list of the types of services I have offered up to now, but there is always the possibility that I will add more options to the list, depending on demand.
Current list of muse includes:
- TV and Radio Appearances
- Personal Appearances
- Commissioned paintings
- State and County Fairs
- Events / Parties
- Kissing Booth
- Charities/Benefits/Fund Raisers
- Painting an object you want painted ex. Christmas tree ornament, T-shirt, homemade pottery
I do not have a set pricelist for everything because each event is unique and requires different tools. Prices are generally based on the medium of the work, length of the project, and size. Live performances also vary. I will gladly give you an estimate once we have discussed the work.
Please feel free to e-mail from __AM to ___PM on weekdays and ___AM to ___PM on weekends. Eastern Time